The Chamwell Centre was built entirely by charitable funding and will rely on the continuing generosity of the public, businesses and charitable trusts to continue its work and to ensure that children and adults in Gloucestershire can enjoy its facilities.
From our online donation form you can:
Please call our Charity Administrator on 01452 767689 or email them at They'll be able to provide you with our bank details and a reference number to enable you to make the transfer. She will also take your details so we can send you an acknowledgement letter.
If you would like to donate using a credit or debit card you can do this online. If you are having trouble donating online or have a special request, we can also take credit/debit/charity card payments securely over the phone.
Just call our Charity Centre Office team on 01452 767689 - Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm
We are extremely grateful for your ongoing generosity. Our post is taking a little while to reach us so if you post your donation, it will take us a bit longer than normal to send you a thank you letter. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
To send us a cheque please post it to The Chamwell Centre, The Milestone School, Longford Lane, Gloucester GL2 9EU, and include your name and address so that we can acknowledge your generosity. Alternatively, you can set up a regular donation to the Chamwell Centre Charity via standing order. Simply download the appropriate donation form and send it to the address provided at the bottom of the form.